Good morning, The photo app on my phone regularly sends me pictures from the past, maybe family gatherings from a year ago or a vacation trip in 2015. It’s fun to remember those days and experiences. It also is a poignant reminder of how things change. Children grow up to have families of their own….

Good morning: What’s wrong with people?! Have you wondered that especially in light of all that’s been happening? Injustices, hatred, and violence keep growing. It is not a problem limited to the inner city or to other people besides us. The sin within which explodes into acts of hate and destruction lies in our hearts…

Good morning, Do you know what each of us does more than 23,000 times each day, yet we hardly ever think about it? We breathe. But just because we don’t think about it doesn’t mean it’s not important. Without our lungs taking in air we would soon die. One of the dangerous symptoms of COVID…

Good morning: It was in the middle of our last building expansion effort here at church, and we were stuck. We were faced with a building code rule that didn’t make sense for the size and layout of the church building. The inspector, however, didn’t have the authority to change the law and so we…

Good morning: After not being able to gather around Word and Sacrament for a couple of months, I think we all have greater appreciation for David’s words in Ps. 122: “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD!’” (Ps. 122:1). Taking into account recommendations of our…

Good morning, Does it seem as though during the past couple of months there are more things that we can’t do than things we’re allowed to do? For weeks parks which normally are always open were closed. Have you thought how nice it would be to dine out only to drive by the restaurant and…

Good morning: Do you ever get the feeling that people are “just making things up as they go along”? Have you ever done it? You don’t really know what lies ahead or have a plan in mind. A new graduate might not have any idea of what they want to do next, and so they…

Good morning: Do you ever listen to the news or read a report online and end up more confused than before? One expert says the coronavirus is not nearly as bad as predicted. Someone else warns that it’s far worse than people think. One says that our lives will be forever changed. Others optimistically state…

Good morning: These are great times! I haven’t heard anyone say that. To even suggest it would no doubt bring incredulous, disbelieving looks from others. Far from calling them great, we would be far more likely to describe these past weeks as stressful, worrisome, even life-threatening. The strain is becoming more obvious with reports of…

Good morning: We continue to pray for those infected with the coronavirus worldwide and ask that the Lord would soon provide relief according to His good will and the means He might choose. Of course, it becomes much more personal when it involves people who are close to us. This past week our fellow believer…