Good morning, We hear plenty of disturbing news every day. But do you ever think about the news we don’t hear? That can be even more troubling. We hear about the work of Congress in Washington, political developments in other nations, and the course of various wars. But once in a while we get a…

Good morning: Who has been your favorite teacher of all time? Was it the kindergarten teacher whose kindness and understanding helped you through the anxiety of attending school for the first time? Or it might have been the fourth grade teacher whose enthusiasm for reading inspired you to become a lifelong book lover. But by…

Good morning: It’s one of Jesus’ most familiar parables. Two men each built a house. One built his home on a foundation of rock, while the other constructed his on sand. The two houses didn’t appear that different, that is, until the wind, rain, and floods came. The house built on rock withstood them all,…

Good morning, One of the hardest things for many of us to say is, “I need help.” Instead of admitting that, did you struggle for an hour on a homework problem, only to end up frustrated and discouraged? Did you pretend to know how to carry out a work assignment, rather than ask for help?…

Good morning: Why do you live as you do? Do you go to work, pay taxes, and mow your lawn because you “have to” or suffer the consequences? Do you avoid speeding on the freeway because you don’t want to be pulled over by the state patrol and be given a $200 fine? If we…

Good morning: It’s the perfect home, just what you’ve been dreaming of: a spacious master bedroom with walk-in closets, a vaulted living room lighted by floor-to-ceiling windows, and a kitchen a master chef would envy—all situated on an acre of lakefront property. Incredibly, it is offered to you at a bargain price. The only…

Good morning, At the end of an especially rough, discouraging day, someone may tell you, “Don’t worry. Things will look better in the morning.” Often they do. A good night’s rest can put troubles into proper perspective. They may not be the disaster you had envisioned at the time. It would be a huge understatement…

Good morning: It’s the perfect plot line for a blockbuster movie. A plane filled with 200 passengers abruptly banks sharply one direction and then another before spiraling into a dive toward the ground 40,000 feet below. A member of the flight crew bursts into the cockpit, only to find both pilot and co-pilot unconscious, slumped…

Good morning, You hear about it all the time. Maybe it’s happened to you. Someone isn’t paying attention, clicks on an email and ends up downloading a computer virus. A potential windfall of millions lures an unsuspecting victim into sending their online banking credentials to a stranger who empties the account. A threat of utilities…

Good morning: Who are you? Many people struggle with the question of their identity. We are created with a God-given gender. We are born into a family with an ethnic heritage. We receive a name. But beyond those things, who are we? We have an identity as U.S. citizens with Social Security numbers. We might…