Good morning: Someone would have to be living in the middle of a remote wilderness to not know what time of year this is. The signs of the Christmas season are everywhere. Drive down the street and you see homes lit up with multi-colored lights. Communities display large, decorated trees in prominent public places. Every…

Good morning: “Just wait.” It may be the last thing you want to hear, especially at this time of year. We’re not good at waiting. What child enjoys waiting to open presents? After watching the first episode of a new Netflix series, are you content to wait? Or do you immediately binge-watch the entire series…

Messiah Family, In my childhood years, I remember the excitement and anticipation of Christmas coming once Thanksgiving was past. The decorations start going up around the house, the Christmas tree is decorated in the living room, and Christmas Eve service memory work begins. Even as an adult, that anticipation can still be felt. The excitement…

Good Afternoon, I’m sure this is a bit unexpected to receive the Saturday note from me instead of Pastor Eichstadt. The Board of Elders have been in touch with Sue this morning as Pastor suffered an issue with his heart yesterday evening. Sue found him unresponsive on the floor as they were getting ready for…

Good morning: You know the joy of a good book. It’s the one that draws you into its world from page one and becomes more engrossing with each chapter. It’s the book that makes you put off chores and other activities so that you can keep reading. Even though you know you’re going to be…

Good morning: Before bedtime I usually grab my phone and check the weather forecast. One of the first things I do most mornings is to again look at the forecast. A lot depends on the weather. This past week of wall-to-wall sunshine and unseasonably warm temps has been ideal for raking and other yardwork. On…

Good morning: What was your first prayer this morning? Did you use Luther’s morning prayer to thank God for His protection overnight and ask Him to keep you “from sin and every evil” in the day ahead? Or maybe you offered a unique prayer from your own heart praising the Lord for His many blessings…

Good evening: Have faith! How often have you heard that? Will your team win the championship? Have faith! Will I get the job? Will the weather be nice this weekend? Have faith! The question is, faith in what or in whom? “Believe in yourself!” some would say. But we know all too well that we…

Good morning: “You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing” (Ps. 145:16). Again today we will experience firsthand the truth of David’s words in the Psalm. The Lord lovingly provides us with food, shelter, income, and so much more. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the…

Good morning: We’ve all had them, those calls that come to your cell phone with no identifying name. Most of us probably ignore them or block them from calling again. Suppose this morning you are curious enough to take the call. Suppose the voice on the line asks, “What is your address? What is your…