Messiah Family, In my childhood years, I remember the excitement and anticipation of Christmas coming once Thanksgiving was past. The decorations start going up around the house, the Christmas tree is decorated in the living room, and Christmas Eve service memory work begins. Even as an adult, that anticipation can still be felt. The excitement may lie in different aspects of the Holiday season, but it certainly is still there in each of us. Imagine the excitement and anticipation that Joseph and Mary must've felt as they made their journey to Bethlehem. Neither of them knew where they were going to stay, or when their baby was to be born. Yet, they trusted in the Lord and made the lengthy journey knowing their lives were in God's loving hands. The guidance that God gave them throughout that journey is simply amazing when you think of all the details that fell into place perfectly, fulfilling all aspects of the Old Testament. We continue to build on this anticipation as we enter another Advent week! I've received another update from Sue Eichstadt on Pastor. The medical staff did successfully complete the procedure for his heart device yesterday and it all went well. They are waiting on the doctor to visit him this morning and check on his condition. If everything looks to be doing fine, Lord willing he is expected to be discharged later today and sent home. According to Sue, Pastor is feeling well and is eager to get home. We thank the Lord for his healing hands throughout all this past week! We will be celebrating the Lord's Supper in both services tomorrow. First service starts at 8:00 am and second service is at 10:30 am. We thank Pastor Sam Rodebaugh for bringing us the Word once again tomorrow morning as Pastor recovers from his hospital stay. Sunday School will be held between services. We will be postponing Bible Class for one more Sunday as the Board of Elders coordinates with Pastor and Church Council next week on a course forward. Also, everyone is invited to participate in our Christmas caroling tomorrow afternoon. All singers should meet at church at 4:00 pm, and also bring a pot of chili and/or Christmas treats to share after the caroling is complete. The Lord's blessings on everyone's weekend! In Christ, Eric Williams