Good morning: “Just wait.” It may be the last thing you want to hear, especially at this time of year. We’re not good at waiting. What child enjoys waiting to open presents? After watching the first episode of a new Netflix series, are you content to wait? Or do you immediately binge-watch the entire series in a weekend? Waiting even a few days for a delivery can be torture. We don’t want to wait to be connected to customer service. We might feel that it’s our right to have wants and needs satisfied NOW. So how do you react when God says, “Just wait”? David writes in Ps. 27:14, “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.” Why would God have us wait? When we are dealing with troubles, worries, and fears, why would God say, “Wait.” We see all kinds of evil in the world. People mock God’s Word and turn the celebration of Jesus’ birth into a materialistic business opportunity. Believers are openly ridiculed or ignored. How many times have you prayed, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Yet today, He still says, “Wait.” It’s not easy to wait, but as with everything directed by the Lord, it is for our blessing. Waiting reminds us that our help and salvation do not come from us according to our timetable. There is nothing we can do to “fix” all that’s wrong in us and in this sinful world. Left to ourselves, we sinners would only make things worse. So the Lord says, “Wait for me. Trust in what I can do.” Waiting is a blessing, because it is a time in which the Lord works to strengthen our faith and lift our spirits as we turn to His Word. That is why the season of Advent is so beneficial. Rather than rushing into the celebration of Christmas, we have this waiting time to reflect on why it was necessary for Jesus to be born into our world. We have time to do some soul-searching of our own, kneel before God’s throne, and pray, “Lord, I am not worthy of any of your blessings. Have mercy on me for Jesus’ sake.” Take heart. Waiting is not forever. The Lord promises that He will come and help all who trust in Him. No matter what the trouble is—from minor daily “crises” to life threatening emergencies to the eternal punishment we bring on ourselves by our sins—wait with hope. The Lord will come at just the right time and rescue you. No matter what you’re facing, wait for that help today. Above all, wait for the Lord to come on that future day to set all things right once and for all! “It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD” (Lam. 3:26). Yours in Christ, Pastor Services tomorrow are at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. The choir will sing in first service. Sunday school begins at 9:15 a.m. and adult Bible class at 9:30 a.m. All are invited to the piano recital at 1 p.m., and ladies are invited to join Luther Memorial, Fond du Lac, for their Advent by Candlelight program beginning at 3:30 p.m.