Good morning everyone: “Who, me?” It’s that all-purpose denial of personal responsibility, isn’t it? You’re asked to pick up clothes from the bedroom floor. “Who, me? I shouldn’t have to do that.” Get the assignment done by tomorrow. “Who, me? That’s asking way too much.” Did you forget to put gas in the car? “Who,…

Good morning everyone: “It’s OK. I’m strong. I know what I believe. I won’t be influenced by unbelieving friends.” Has anyone ever said that to you? Have you said it? While it is true that we are to be active and engaged in letting our light shine and bringing God’s law and gospel to others,…

Good morning everyone: Do you have a list of important dates committed to memory or at least noted on Google calendar, days such as wedding anniversaries, vacations, maybe Valentine’s Day? What are your favorites? For many it’s birthdays. Almost everyone enjoys a birthday celebration, whether it’s dropping by the hospital nursery to see a newborn…

Good morning everyone: Have you seen the bumper sticker: “God is My Co-Pilot”? I’m sure those who have it on their cars want to express their trust in God’s protecting care. Whether it’s heading out on the road or beginning a new day with all its unforeseen events, it’s reassuring to remember that we are…

Good morning everyone: When the mail arrives do you glance at the return address before opening an envelope? If it reads: “Billing Dept.” do you inwardly cringe and put it at the bottom of the stack? Do you delay reading a certain email until later because you’re quite sure it won’t be good news? Do…

Good morning everyone, It was hard to ignore. This past week the eyes of millions were focused on one thing, a lottery prize of unbelievable proportions. The prospect of beating the odds and winning 1.5 billion dollars created a frenzy at even the most remote gas stations and convenience stores. People dreamed of how their…

Good morning everyone, There are certain concepts which are so plain and obvious that we never give them a second thought. As toddlers we learn the directions “up” and “down.” “Up” is toward the sky and “down” is at our feet. Who would ever think otherwise? Yet, isn’t it intriguing to imagine a world where…
Good morning everyone: How are the new year’s resolutions faring? Are you still on track with the new exercise regimen, the more nutritious diet, and the plan to take control of clutter around the house once and for all? The start of a new year is a good time to take stock of your life…

Good morning everyone, Now what? Has the post-Christmas “letdown” hit you yet? It’s been said, “After the message comes the mess.” After all the preparation, anticipation, and celebration, it’s not surprising that these days after Christmas may seem long and dreary in comparison. Life quickly reverts back to its normal routine. Problems and decisions we…

Good morning everyone, How much do you spend on someone’s Christmas gift? That depends, doesn’t it? For the person who delivers your newspaper, it might be a $10 gift card for McDonalds. For a husband or wife or child, it could be much more. After all, we know them better. We have a strong bond…