Good morning everyone, You may not know Ella Wheeler Wilcox, but you probably have heard these famous lines from one of her poems: “Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone.” Have you noticed how true that is? Look around. Where do you usually find large, enthusiastic groups? Stadiums are filled…

Good morning everyone, When the weather finally warmed up a few months ago, I was excited. I had an ambitious list of projects I was eager to tackle. I imagined that by September I would look with proud satisfaction on all I had accomplished. It hasn’t quite worked out that way. I began a few…

Good morning everyone, “Let’s go out for burgers and fries.” “Well, I was thinking we’d stay home and finish up leftovers.” We encounter differences of opinion every day, and we know that the best way to resolve them is often by compromise. Maybe it’s eating leftovers tonight and enjoying burgers tomorrow. Marriages, families, work place…

Good morning everyone, Last week I spent a few hours with a family which has four active children ranging in age from early grade school to a one-year-old. Naturally, each member of the family has different interests, schedules, and needs. At times various members are scattered all over town. Over supper I was filled in…

Good morning everyone, What are you living for today? Are you looking forward to some much needed downtime, outdoor activities with the family, an out of town road trip, or catching up on chores around the house? We all have daily plans and schedules, but what are you really living for? Some say, “I live…

Good morning everyone, The headlines are eye-grabbing: “Invest here and never worry about money again.” “Lose 20 pounds in 20 days with one simple food.” “Try the drug-free cure for back pain.” How awesome! Who wouldn’t want these things? Yet most of us hear the claims with a heavy dose of skepticism. Talk is cheap….
Good morning everyone, With school looming just around the corner, it won’t be long before a certain question will be heard in countless homes: “Why do I have to learn __________ ?” Maybe it’s math. “Why do I have to learn multiplication and division? What good is it?” That’s the time for a good teacher…

Good morning everyone, “You can be and do whatever you set your mind to!” How often have you heard that? Do you believe it? When we’re young it’s exciting to imagine it. Did you ever dream of being an eagle perched on the top of a towering redwood surveying the world at your feet, or…
Good morning everyone, You know the routine. You arrive at the hotel and check in. The desk clerk swipes your credit card and runs down the list of amenities: pool, hot tub, workout room, vending machines, and last but not least, the free breakfast from 6-10 a.m. Do you ignore them all? Of course not….
Good morning everyone, It has to be high on the list of frustrating and frightening. You set out from the trailhead on a hike only to realize two hours later that somewhere along the way you missed a signpost and now you have no idea of where you are or how to get back on…