Good morning: We are very nearsighted people by nature. Especially when it comes to disappointments and difficulties we assume that no one has ever had it as bad as I do. We use it as an excuse for all kinds of things, such as giving in to temptation, despair, resentment, or anger toward others, sometimes…

Good evening: Coming home from a road trip last week my wife and I stopped at Celery Bog, a nature preserve on the outskirts of West Lafayette, Indiana. We arrived to find that the visitors center was closed due to COVID restrictions. We were checking a trail map when a man came from the building…

Good morning: Did you check your email first thing this morning, Facebook, the newsfeed you subscribe to? What happens thousands of miles away is instantly broadcast everywhere. What the president or Congress or the CDC says becomes common knowledge online within minutes. Our problem is not a lack of information, but the question of whom…

Good morning: In our current atmosphere of protests, riots, shootings, and explosive anger toward anyone who has a different opinion, one thing is conspicuously absent—forgiveness. How often do you hear someone publicly calling for forgiveness for someone who said something hurtful about an individual or group of people? When was the last time you saw…

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