Good morning: The 2009 movie “Hachi” recounts the true story of a dog who accompanied his college professor master to the train station each morning and then returned each afternoon at 3 p.m. to welcome him home. However, one day the professor suddenly died at school and so did not get off the train to…
Good morning, “Just be patient…There will be the Thanksgiving Day feast with the entire extended family gathered around the table. You can look forward to greeting Christmas guests with hugs and sampling favorite cookie recipes in the kitchen with one another…But just not this year.” I’ve heard statements like this several times lately on…
Good morning, Who left the towel on the bathroom floor? Someone forgot to send in the application. Who left the garage door open? We all know the usual answer: “Not me!” We don’t like to assume blame for something wrong or something that didn’t work out quite the way we intended it to. After a…
Good morning, Besides the election the most popular topic of conversation this week has been the awesome November weather. It’s been wonderful to step outside without grabbing a jacket, take walks and soak up summer-like sunshine without mosquitoes spoiling the moment. What makes these days even sweeter and more precious is that we know they…