Good morning: What do you do when you turn the key, but all the car does is sputter and die? Do you pop the hood, grab your toolbox, roll up your sleeves and get to work? When you want to relax with a ball game, do you reach for your bat and glove, gather a…
Good morning: Yesterday morning after our VBS opening devotion, a preschooler, hand in hand with his teacher, came to my office on an urgent mission. The little one had arrived late, missed the collection during the devotion, and was concerned that he wouldn’t be able to give his offering to help other children learn about…
Good morning: You’re heading down the freeway, making good time toward your destination. Suddenly you see a solid river of red brake lights stretching for miles ahead. Like many others, wouldn’t you veer off onto the nearest exit and avoid the backup and long delay? It’s the path of least resistance and sometimes it’s the…
Good morning: Which would you rather be: a student or the teacher, one of thousands of employees of a Fortune 500 company or the CEO, a slave or the master? Most of us would quickly agree that we would much rather be the teacher, the boss, or the master. Aren’t they the ones who benefit…